BostonSight, 464 Hillside Avenue, Suite 205, Needham, MA 02494
Phone: 888-SCLERAL (888-725-3725)

Design and development by RainCastle Communications.
David is a medical device sales rep for heart surgery products who lives in upstate New York. He has been using soft contact lenses for more than 10 years and is tired of using them every day. David had several friends who had great success with LASIK and suggested he schedule the surgery. David had LASIK 8 months ago. His vision was blurry immediately after surgery and he developed glare, halos, and starbursts in his vision.
Symptoms: Blurry vision. Cannot drive at night because of the starbursts that appear around headlights. Difficulty seeing clearly in the operating room.
“I was so excited to get LASIK. Everyone I know had such a good experience. Getting up in the morning and not fumbling for their glasses. Being able to see the time on the clock right away. I couldn’t wait. After my bandages came off, I was waiting for my new, contact-free clear vision. Instead, I saw blurry patches. I was assured it would clear up, but it didn’t. Vision is so important. I’m in charge of a large region for my medical sales job so I’m driving to hospitals hours away at short notice, at all hours of the day. I sell a specialty medical product, which means I’m often in the operating room with heart surgeons helping them use the product correctly. The operating room lights can be very bright, and this was causing halos in my vision. The worst, though, was at night.
I couldn’t drive anymore. The oncoming headlights were like blurred, bright stars, blinding me and causing extreme eye strain.
I was offered corrective LASIK surgery and took it. Sometimes they need to make an adjustment. But my vision actually got worse. Prescription glasses were no longer an appropriate option for me, nor were soft contact lenses. And, the starbursts never went away. I went to my optometrist to see what else could be done. I have to be able to see clearly! Without good vision, I can’t work.”
“My optometrist performed diagnostic testing and diagnosed me with Post-LASIK ectasia. She talked to me about BostonSight SLCERAL lenses. I hadn’t heard of scleral lenses and the last thing I wanted was contact lenses again! But I couldn’t spend my life like this, not being able to see clearly, not being able to drive at night. I needed to feel confident driving and being in the operating room again.
I was fitted with a pair of BostonSight SCLERAL lenses and the impact on my vision was immediate. It was clear and crisp.
I couldn’t wait to try them at night. When I did, it was goodbye blurriness, starbursts, and halos. Although I’m back in lenses again, I’m so happy there was a solution that fixed my problem.”
* BostonSight SCLERAL lenses have a built-in feature called SmartSight® that is designed to correct aberrations like blurriness and starbursts – those blurred bright lights David was seeing. These aberrations are called higher-order aberrations or HOAs.
Post-LASIK ectasia is a rare but devastating consequence of LASIK surgery. During LASIK, the cornea becomes too thin, leading to a loss of integrity and warping that is similar to the misshapen cornea associated with another corneal condition called keratoconus.
Symptoms can include:
These symptoms are called higher-order aberrations, or HOAs. BostonSight SCLERAL lenses are specially designed to correct HOAs, with a built-in feature called SmartSight®. Get clear, crisp vision again with BostonSight SCLERAL.