About Us
BostonSight, 464 Hillside Avenue, Suite 205, Needham, MA 02494
Phone: 888-SCLERAL (888-725-3725)

Design and development by RainCastle Communications.
Your Partner in Saving Sight®
BostonSight is a nonprofit healthcare organization that advances the treatment of diseased or damaged corneas and dry eye and is a world-renowned leader in the treatment of complex corneal disease. Since 1992, BostonSight has been pioneering scleral lens design and technology. We see patients with complex corneal conditions all day, every day, at our medical clinic in Needham, Massachusetts, where we treat with PROSE® by BostonSight.
Our decades of clinical experience benefit you and your patients in numerous ways. Everything we learn from disease states, lens manufacturing in our on-site FDA-compliant, ISO-certified lab, and patient support experiences is funneled into BostonSight SCLERAL innovation, ensuring you get the most current technology and resources in scleral lenses today.
BostonSight SCLERAL was launched in 2017 with the vision that anyone who needs a scleral lens, anywhere, can get one. Today, it is available through a network of licensing and distribution partners. BostonSight has partnerships with Spectrum International in Latin America; L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia; Conóptica in Europe; and Moorfields Eye Hospital in the UK.